Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Student Watching Too Many Republican Debates Charged With Bullying, Calls Teacher a "Liar" and Principal "Low Energy"

English: Donald Trump speaking at CPAC 2011 in...
English: Donald Trump speaking at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
HUNTINGTON, Alabama--The family of  a student charged with bullying and harassment yesterday at Huntington Junior High  released a statement to the media charging that their son was treated unfairly.

The parents of Gillup Harrington said their son shouldn't have been suspended for calling his teacher "a liar", Hispanic students in the school "drug addicts" and "some of them are even rapists", and that Muslim students should be put in confinement "until we can figure out what is going on".

Gillup admits to making those statements every day and on multiple occasions, but he said that he was just following his hero Donald Trump.

"I met the Principal. He is really low energy. Nobody likes him. Everybody in school hates him. He is the reason this school is no longer great," Gillup said.

"The teacher is a liar and everybody knows that. She should be fired. A total disaster as a human being," Gillup continued.

Gillup's parents were not disturbed by their son's comments.

"When Trump has the Mexicans pay for that great big beautiful wall and they are sent home and when the Muslims are rounded up and put in camps, then Gillup will be vindicated," Harry Harrington, the father of Gillup said.

The mother of Gillup, Shirly Harrington, also supported her son.

"The school is a mess and my son Gillup is just pointing out the problems. Gillup is just like our future President Donald Trump and they are trying to say he is a bully. My son will be President someday too.

"This thing is going to be huge. I mean we can make this school great again but first we have to remove students and staff that are liars, drug addicts, rapists, terrorists, and I assume some of them are even nice people." Gillup said.

Huntington Junior High Principal Gary Jordan said that evidently Gillup has been watching too many Republican debates but we cannot condone those type of comments and disrespect in school.

"Those comments may be acceptable when you are running for President, but we try to teach our student's to be decent people and have good character."

Guffaw Gazette Political Writer Chino Idiota

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